A woman sitting at a desk

By Lena Tricolici

June 22nd


How To Stay Fit At A Desk Job With Oculus Quest

A desk job is more dangerous than smoking - this is a headline I’ve recently stumbled upon in my Google News lent. Sitting causes cancer, diabetes and overweight. If you work a nine-to-five desk job like me, you know - it's hard to reduce sitting time. Hello, extra pounds?

Thankfully, I found a way on how to stay in shape without spending hours at the gym, reduced the harm of my couch potato lifestyle and lost weight without having to tell my boss 'bye-bye'. Today I am ready to share my story in this article.

I turned 30 this March, and for the past three years, I've been working at a standard 9:5 office schedule. That said, as a rule I look at a monitor more than 8 hours a day, as our IT company implies regular overtimes. It also takes me around an hour to get to the office by bus, so my overall sitting time is 10-11 hours per day.

In 3 years, the slight discomfort from all-day sitting grew into a catastrophe. I've had the beginning stage of arthrosis, varicosis, felt pain in the back, and I gained 13 pounds. I love my job; it brings me many benefits. But I realized that if I hadn't changed something, I would lose the most valuable treasure - my health.

When Going To The Gym Sucks

"Why don't you visit the gym regularly?" "Spend your free time actively!" "You should eat healthier dinners" - this is what you hear from others when you lose your body shape. That is what I've tried:

Calorie Counter

I don’t believe in diets, but I count calories that I consume in a day via HiKi calorie counter. (This app is compatible only with Android service, but there are similar apps for iPhone like Calorie Counter Pal or Lose It!. Tracking meals makes eating more conscious and healthy. It can speed up your weight loss, but it was still not enough to become the turning point to a wellness lifestyle.

Gym Membership

Visiting the gym improves body shape, makes you active and happy. Well, you probably know that. Then why is it so hard going to the gym 3-5 times a week? There are many factors. Mine is lack of energy. When you are tired after a long workday, dressing up and going to the gym is not what always makes you happy.

Step Tracker

Many people just don’t like sports. That’s normal. You shouldn’t blame yourself if you are not into the fitness mainstream.

Do you love walking? I do! It's a wonderful activity. To walk more, I track how much I walk using a mobile tracker. The results are not surprising, though. I usually fail in reaching my daily goal - 10.000 steps.

Tip: Experiment! Use a mobile tracker app to check how much you are moving a day. The number of steps you do will tell a lot about your lifestyle.

Walking is a good way to keep your body toned and healthy. Nonetheless, I found a better and easier solution for me to get fit.

This Is When VR Makes A Healthy Lifestyle Reality

Healthy lifestyle in 2020 is not the same as it was 20 years ago. Our gadgets make us more productive and smarter. Along with that, we are limited in time. We cannot waste our precious morning in stuffy gyms. We are not ready to spend hours on treadmills watching at the blank wall. And we don’t have to do it anymore.

What works today is technology. And if we are talking about the future of a healthy lifestyle, it is VR technology. I highly reccommend you to open the world of VR with Oculus Quest 2:

The first time I exercised with my Oculus Quest headset, it turned my life upside down. I’ve never imagined that a simple gadget can make my muscles stronger - in such a pleasant and easy way.

I know that for many people, especially women, VR technology is still a dark horse. Thankfully, every day I see more of my friends and family members play VR. That really inspires me, so I decided to write this guide to VR fitness to get more people on board.

How To Exercise With Oculus Quest 2 For Better Results

Girl exercising with Oculus Quest

Since I bought Oculus Quest, it became my little fitness saver. Oculus Quest is the unique headset that doesn’t require connection to PC, so I can reward myself with my portion of activity literally everywhere.
Playing VR doesn’t require a lot of space. A small office room or a bedroom can be your workout zone with Oculus Quest. Use it to stay active right during your office hours or when you are at home - VR is always fun.

VR combines two things we love most - the fun of sedentary entertainment and the effect of intense workouts. Just imagine - you are immersed in watching your favorite TV show or a video game, while your body is exercising. Incredible, isn’t it?

Here is what makes Oculus Quest 2 VR priceless if you work a desk job:

  • Start today even if you’ve never exercised.
  • You will LOVE VR exercises even if you hate sports.
  • You need only 15-20 minutes for a quality fitness sesh.
    (Of course, you can play more)
  • Regular exercising raises metabolism, helping you lose weight.
  • You burn up to 200-300 calories per 20 min session.
  • VR exercises are not a daily chore. It’s fun.
  • With VR Oculus Quest 2, you can exercise anywhere.

You can choose among tens of fitness games available for Oculus VR. One of my favorites is Beat Saber and FitXR. These two games are a fat-melting cardio, playing them I actively engage all problem areas like abs and legs. My workouts are usually short but very exciting and making me sweat. To explore other fat-and-boredom-killing VR games, explore this list of 10 best VR fitness games.

My 15-minute Me-time

This is how my workout usually goes. I stretch out before playing VR games; I also put a bottle of water nearby (VR games can be a pretty intense workout, so don't forget to drink enough water).

Tip: to get additional motivation, make your workout a gratifying ritual. I bought myself a cool sport suit, which helps me get into the right fitness mindset.

I usually play VR 15-20 minutes before I go to the office. Virtual reality is also an amazing way to shake off the stress at the end of the day. When I do my exercises, I have more energy and become more productive.

How Has My Body Shape Changed?

Girl measuring her hips

Exercising with VR I've already lost 4.5 pounds after two months of playing. VR fitness became part of my life. I just love it. It's so thrilling, so amusing that you cannot help but enjoy these sessions.

You can be tired of doing exercises, but you’ll never get tired of having fun with your VR headset.

As my metabolism became faster, my weight started to drop, and I felt more energy. It gave me the motivation to eat and care for my body better. Sometimes I still feel my knees but now the exacerbations happen much less often, so I started adding more leg and butt exercises.

Of course, your results will be more fruitful if you get fresh air, proper nutrition and sleep enough. So, keep your lifestyle balanced, and use the amazing technology of Oculus Quest 2 to make your shapes better and your career even more successful. Have fun and start your own VR adventure! I hope it changes your life as it changed mine.

Get Oculus Quest 2 on Amazon

Oculus Quest 2 headset

I bought my Oculus Quest on Amazon. You'd better hurry up, the stock is melting real fast!

Oculus Quest 2 — Advanced All-In-One Virtual Reality Headset — 128 GB.

Oculus Quest 2 — Advanced All-In-One Virtual Reality Headset — 256 GB.
BUY FOR $399

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